Curated by Thomas Berquis, Suspended Histories featured 11 artists and was shown at the Van Loon Museum in 2013. Willem van Loon was co-founder of the Dutch East India Company - providing another colonial context for the beautiful installation in his Dutch colonial home
Photo Thijs Wolzak

Lisa learnt waka amo with the Royal Dutch Njoord Rowing Team who are the kaitiaki of the Tamihaana housed in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden, Holland
Hekerenui Busby, master waka builder, based the design on Lisa’s iwi waka
Photo Anke Teunissen

Waiting for Taahimana (Abel Tasman) to arrive from Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden
Photo Anke Teunissen

A traditional call to welcome the waka as it arrives on the Amsterdam canal
Photo Anke Teunissen

Front: Donna Ong, Manon Braat, Simryn Gill, Lisa Reihana
Middle: Phillipa Van Loon, Ni Haifeng, Yee I-Lann, Mella Jaarsma, Titarubi
Back: Thomas Berquis
Photo Anke Teunissen